Monday, July 28, 2008

Opener Part V

"Always" and "alway" both are real words. Mind-blowing.

Is this the best they can do?

Yet, I still have faith in this DBZ movie.

Do your thang Stephen Chow.

Hah eff this guy

This is definitely a mind trip for what it's worth. Gimmick or not [for those of you who really wanna believe its real], this effin Criss Angel can perform.

A lot of times it's just easier to buy the story - to put your guard down and leave your criticisms at the door. We can argue the legitimacy of anything for days, but really, what good does that do for us? Does it make us feel better about ourselves? Does it help us sleep at night?

What it does do for sure is distract from what a lot of these things intend to do for us - entertain us.

I'll believe for 8 minutes that Criss Angel walked on water for real so that for those 8 minutes that I'm watching this youtube vid, I can get lost in its evoked extravagance. It's really just more fun to do.

So before we all become the Ebert and Roeper critics we all love pretending to be, buy the story for the story's sake. Pretend anything and everything is plausible.

Cause it's always nice to stop and smell the roses sometime.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Jason's A3

Click here for a better look at the car, and here to see his blog.

EDIT: Here's another pic

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reezy® Presented by Scott Chu

Jason's homie Scott came by last night and let me play with his camera. Check out his website to see his own work.

It's taken a loooong while but reezy's finally operating.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Reezy® Part 5

My little guy holding an Ankh.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Reezy® Part 4

So after the base colors dried, I began the tape masking to add some designs to the tan frame.

Here, I had to exacto slice my tape into thirds to make smaller strips for a striping effect on my top tube.

Here's me putting on the tape. [kudos to Dat for taking the picture above my belly to hide the monstrosity that is my fat.]

With the masking done, Jason handed over the paint to me saying that I needed to learn eventually. It was actually a lot of fun to do, but unfortunately, the damn pic caught my gut. :(

I got a hang of it after the 2nd coat.

FYI, that's the painters tape, not blue paint!

After the paint dried, I wet sanded, added my decals, applied the clear coat finish, and made my last round of wet sounding for the smooth feel. Tomorrow I'll show you guys the finished Reezy® frame.

Goodnight yall.

The Yin to my Yang

Thank god for everything I hate and for everything that hates me. Thank god for bad intentions. For struggles. For depression. For corruption. Thank god for war. And for murder. For sin. For ignorance.

Because without this, I cannot know anything that is good.

I can live my life knowing the difference between good and bad. Hate and love. Wrong from right.

Thank god for the opportunity to experience defining my own yin and yang.

Reezy® Part 3

As I was applying the first coat of primer on my frame, Jason came to the rescue and let me know that, basically.. I was doing a shitty job. So he came to save the day and applied the rest of the primer paint on my frame and fork. He did awesome work, I'm sure a lot better than what I could have done with it. The only thing bad about it was that my fork started floating..

..I know, I can't figure it out either.

Anyway, the next day after we let the primer dry, I began wet sanding reezy with 1000 grit sandpaper, followed by 2000 grit.

My fat ass.

Wet sanding.

I was anxious to start getting the paint on, but I had to wait for the dang frame to dry. So,
Jason and I tried to speed up the process:

Yes, we baked it.

Here's a few pics of my roommate
Jason painting on the black to my fork.

Go hit up his two blogs at which includes his own marauding and for a look at his ride.

We finished with the base colors that day.

Part 4 will start with me masking up some parts with painter tape for super cool designs (lyke whoa)

coming soon...

BTW, it turns out that my frame really wasn't floating.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Reezy® Part 2

[Nitto RB021 Bullhorn handlebar]

[48t chainring]

[chainring bolts]


lol looks like something i jacked from iron man huh?

[17t cog for 1/8" chain]

[170mm Sugino RD crank]

[Shimano bottom bracket]

[The rest of my toys]

Thanks to my bud, Chad, for mad hookups on the gear. I didn't initially want to get so much new stuff for reezy, but it was like telling the fat kid to not go nuts in a candy store.
Last, but not least...

[reezy's decals]

I made the reezy decal thanks to some font exploring on Da Got the dope stick men and ankh symbols from a tribe called quest logo I copped from their myspace background:

Anywayyyyy, stay tuned!