Sunday, January 4, 2009


As we grow older and get a better grip on what this world is to us (on any level that interests you), we hopefully develop a more personal perspective on life- a state of mind modified from the norm that we can't help but talk about among ourselves and our peers.

Don't put it to waste.

Sometimes it's not enough to just have these conversations about what life can mean to each of us. It's not enough to spill our guts about our true feelings for this world only to put it away until the next time the topic comes up. We can ponder life issues all we want, and we definitely have, but it's worth it to ourselves and our ideas to make something concrete of it all.

Because it is okay to have peace of mind. Because these questions can only really be answered by you and not by anyone else.

Questions dance with us everyday, so try taking the extra step and come up with an answer. YOUR answer. Live it. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

1 comment:

Kim Black said...

i came to read about your dream, and was disappointed yet pleasantly surprised by your very existential PLUR post. keep your mind dancing. kudos to you!