Sunday, November 8, 2009


It's not so much about deciding what you love or if you truly love whatever you decide, but more about putting your best effort into whatever flavor that your life's current interest takes into form. The growing minds and personalities that we develop will always find new influence from everything and everywhere we experience. You'll admit a love for something and dedicate your time and thoughts catering to it, and then find yourself discovering a new path and directing your attention to that instead.

So how can you ever commit to any one of your many passions with the fickle thinking you might have?

Do yourself a favor and don't worry your mind with such a future-oriented question. After all, "tomorrow" never really exists. By the time "tomorrow" comes, it's "today". So keep your thoughts in the present - the only time that really exists.

So whatever you love today, go ahead and love it your all. Refrain from worrying about what to have passion for or justifying your claim for any of those passions.

What's really important?

Living passionately.

1 comment:

dphuong said...

technology makes it so easy for us to get distracted and get lost in different dimensions. <3 probably one of the biggest challenges is remaining in the present in mind, body, and spirit.

cheers to living in the power of now.